Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ski Trip -- Park City, Utah.

Mini-Vacation at Park City, Utah was great. I cannot even explain the feeling of skiing with Mason and Makayla. Let me start by saying that Brent was incredible. He was very patient and was a great teacher for the kiddos.

Me---not such a good and patient teacher. Maybe because I can hardly ski myself.
I am so glad Brent convinced me to make the stop. Brent and I skied all day Tuesday while the kids did a lesson. I use the word lesson VERY lightly. They played inside had lunch and learned how to walk in skis and fall down/get up/fall down/ get up/ fall down/ get helped up/ fall down ... You get the idea.

Brent and I had lunch at the summit and I enjoyed my greens while Brent dove off the Black Diamonds. Then we skied the bunny bill with the kids a few times. We hit the hot chocolate and hot tub to end the day.

Day two was spend doing some serious family bonding. Brent, Mason, Makayla and Bobbi- Joined at the hip. No really...Joined at the hip!
The day started off soooo rough. I will not bore you with the gory details about Meltdown Mountain. I will say that by 4:30pm we had finally mastered the beginner run. Mason and Makayla absolutely loved skiing and cannot wait to go hit the sloped again.
I am once again reminded of how much I love my family. We have a blessed life and I am truly a lucky lady. We are on our way home and I cannot wait to sleep in my bed.

Gem Quotes-

Brent- "We are changing the name of this run to 'Meltdown Mountain'."
Mason- "Well, you are old Mom. I did the math and you are almost 40."
Makayla- " This cat is so nice and soft. And it smells like Grandpa and Grandma's house."
Mason- "Gigi can't ski...She's too old."

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