Monday, April 5, 2010

Dedicated to my husband's boyfriend's wife. (ha)

 be home.
Oh wait. Nothing peaceful about it.

We come home and it is mass chaos! We all start running in a thousand directions trying to see all the friends and family we can. It is crazy and stressful. I love to go home but it is FAR from relaxing. I had a wonderful girls night out and Brent has been fishing. I know!!! Does the man ever get tired of fishing???? NO. But at least here he is getting to take the kiddos and have some fun. He is testing baits and we are having a Trout fish fry tomorrow.

Mason got to visit his class at Ray Marsh and Makayla has been with Grace, Clare, Alison, Emma and Keaton everyday. Mason will be ready to hang with the boys when we hit the road.

Easter was wonderful and COR had a great service. The kids had a blast and that's that people! I will have more time to gossip later.
I feel like I have a million more things to tell you all. I love that so many people are reading this. Keep the pressure and guilt on me and I will keep writing.
Gem Quote-
"You just spent $400 at Costco?!? Well, Maybe Mason will give you the penny he found in the parking lot," Makayla says optimistically. (the penny was never given to me.)

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