Monday, February 8, 2010

ARE YOU KIDDING??????????????

Some days require a trip to Baskin Robbins. Today is one of those days!! We drove 8 hours yesterday. This is with two trucks, one boat, one fifth wheel camper, one tired mommy, 2 cranky kids, one dog with too much energy and Brent. If that sounds rough...Wait till you hear about today. This was a Monday to remember. We got up and rushed to leave Paducah by 7:30am so we could stay ahead of the snow. We made it to Nashville...No problem...and drop off the boat and truck to have some work done on the wrap.
Here is where the Chapman fun begins. We pull in and start to set up the camper at Yogi Bears campground in Nashville. (For you non-campers---there really are Yogi Bear campgrounds.) As we start to unhook--- Brent realizes the 50 amp power cord is in the other truck! This means no electricity for the camper. Soooo, Mason and Makayla and I have Brent drop us at OpriMills Mall for lunch while he drives the 20 minutes back to get the power cord. The kids and I had a great lunch at the Aquarium Restaurant and head to feed the stingrays. We do this every time we go through Nashville. It is really overpriced, but where else can you sit with 350 fish in a giant aquarium and then hand feed stingrays. Mason got drenched by the rays as they splashed him.
By this time Brent made it back, hooked up the camper, left the GPS and headed over to meet us at the mall. So far---- not really too bad.
We are peacefully shopping for new shoes for Brent while yelling at the kids to behave. I am on the phone trying to approve the truck wrap graphics and Brent's knee swells up to 3X normal size in about 1 minute flat. Okey Dokey.... Mason says it looks like an alien laid an egg inside Daddy's knee. Mason said it won't hatch for 25 years, so not to worry.
So we text a pictures to our friend AJ and his awesome bedside manner is "That looks terrible!"
So we rush out looking for the closest urgent care. This is not easy since Brent took the GPS out of the truck. We finally find a place after blindly driving around the suburbs of Nashville. No problem. We leave Brent and the kids and I hit Petsmart for doggie treats. Penny is viscous to everyone we meet...shocker.
An hour or two later, Brent gets meds for his ruptured Bursa Sack and we get the RX filled. Did I mention we are in Nashville??? Did I mention that it is now snowing in Nashville??? Are you kidding? I just left the KC snow.

Ok. I can hang in there still. Just get me back to the camper for a hot shower and relax. Yeah right Bobbi!!!
We get to the camper and the water is off in the campground. Brent and I have to pack up 2 kids and walk in the snow to the public shower house in campground. IT'S SNOWING!!!
Bring on the ice cream or something stronger!
It's now 9:00 and I am finally sitting. So for those of you that think this is glamorous...think again.

Recap- drive three hours+no power+stingrays+injury to Brent+alien incubating+mean dog+snow+public shower facility=ICE CREAM.
I cannot wait to see what is in store for tomorrow.

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